The Aetherius culture: a global business Unite religieux guys & Women sur une objectif cosmique

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La courte Version: En 1954, le Dr George King obtenu a note through the inconnu lui demander prendre sérénité au monde et développer peuple connaissance de le marché. Il commencé une organisation known as Aetherius culture partager avec vous les enseignements d’un autre intelligence qui aident personnes begin un voyage d’éveil religieux. Pendant des décennies, la communauté a rassemblé bon fuel de nombreux fans et amis which care sérieusement à propos de décider de faire de world a chaleureux spot. Si ceci mission humanitaire parle votre valeurs, vous pouvez apprendre conseils simples pour offrir la cause par le biais de associé à un régional section en amérique, au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, en continent australien, au Japon, en Suède, et divers autres pays mondial. De la prière régulière classes aux pèlerinages annuels, la communauté Aetherius puise dans une connaissance cosmique et religieux pouvoir qui au-delà de croyance.


Vraiment l’amour est un mystique énergie dans univers. Aime connecte personnes, motive actions, et fournit signification à nombreux résident. bien que nous ne pouvons pas constamment le comprendre, l’amour est très important de quoi cela indique sont êtres humains et exactement ce que cela method for finir par être vivant. Richard Lawrence, le Secrétaire Exécutif concernant le Aetherius communauté pour Pays européens, en comparaison aime eau dans un seul de leurs sermons: “également existence comme nous le savons il sur Terre could not se produire sans eau, rien inside market pourrait exister sans love. “

L’Aetherius Société est historique spirituelle entreprise centrée autour de religieuse compréhension et fonctions humanitaires. Les gens de la communauté font confiance une augmentation appeler pour fournir human en rassemblant et diffusant bon combustible. En 1955, un visionnaire yoga maître appelé Dr. George King créé le international spirituel société après il obtenu télépathique marketing et communications commerciales de un plus grand extraterrestre intelligence accru. Il croyait absolument leur responsabilité partager équitablement le information message de paix, tranquillité, et really love.

Maintenant, The Aetherius culture a une présence à Londres, Los Angeles, et beaucoup de emplacements dans le monde. Les membres habituellement se réunissent pour répandre aimer et guérir combustible au sein de communautés et tout au long monde. Si vous croyez intéressé par cette sacrée but, vous pouvez aller à une conférence, assister à un pèlerinage, ou s’impliquer avec un autre guérison traditions du but non lucratif organisation. Tous les autres, indépendamment de leur arrière-plan ou philosophie, est en fait présentation participer à les initiatives de Aetherius culture, renforcer leur religieuse compréhension , afin de trouver un plus objectif dans la vie.

“Du get-go, notre primary principe était service au monde, “a dit le révérend Oscar E. León Aetherius Société. “nous sommes juste ici pour essayer livrer tout autant grand spirituel puissance à tout le monde tant que nous le pouvons. “

Dr. George King établi le religieux en 1955

En will 1954, a note est venu à Dr George King, qui était simplement une maîtrise du yoga et une transe hypnotique moyenne, comme il était a student in their flat in London. A gentle, yet firm, sound outside his body said to him: “prepare! You may be becoming the vocals in the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Now, George had never heard about an interplanetary parliament, nevertheless ethereal terms left him stunned. He understood he’dn’t imagined them, but the guy cannot comprehend whatever designed. He spent with the rest of his life endeavoring to comprehend the plan established by that prophetic original contact. Although he couldn’t clarify why, the guy said he understood undoubtedly which he had been contacted by an alien and strong force to help deliver mankind straight back through the brink of break down.

By developing their spiritual understanding and forging telepathic networks, George heard other communications from extraterrestrial communicators, including a Venusian Master called the Aetherius, and that’s a Greek word definition traveler through ether.

George officially started The Aetherius community in 1955. His aim would be to spread the lessons for the alien gods and lead other people down a path of enlightenment and serenity. The entity in question provides since grown into a major international motion encompassing a huge selection of souls centered on residing and enjoying on a higher spiritual amount.

Look for the incredible tale of Dr. George King’s existence work here. As George themselves mentioned, “i actually do not ask the unbeliever to think simultaneously, but merely request that he applies what Aetherius says to his personal reason.”

Discover Healing & reason on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What links members of The Aetherius community together is actually a substantial, heartfelt need to assist other people and work out worldwide a much better place. Individuals from all parts of society, from Quakers to atheists, navigate into the Aetherius community. “the people result from different backgrounds and with numerous quantities of religious advancement,” Oscar mentioned, “nonetheless they all communicate the interior information or desire to get of religious service to everyone.”

The company makes it easy for newcomers attain included by welcoming them to attend divine solutions or prayer rituals. All week-long, people can immerse by themselves when you look at the sermons, lectures, workshops, and spiritual undertakings associated with Society. You can easily look-up events online and figure out whenever your regional section convenes. The academic and friendly atmosphere motivates women and men to indulge in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers concentrated on fostering world comfort.

“its all really positive,” Oscar told us. “We have plenty of powerful prayers and customs regularly cleanse the nature and recover worldwide.”

One of The Aetherius culture’s the majority of time-honored customs is actually the pilgrimages to holy mountains which contain huge amounts of spiritual fuel. The business acknowledges 19 hills charged with tremendous religious significance. Since 1959, countless members have traveled with the mountains to recharge and advance their own spirits.

During times during the situation, the Society attracts from all of these holy websites to produce good power into the world to offset natural disasters, wartime conflict, political upheavals, and various other personal catastrophes.

“anyone of every level of growth can go to the hills and participate in a selfless act of service to make contact with the spiritual powers contained in it,” Oscar told united states. “the knowledge differs from individual to individual, but it’s usually extremely positive and uplifting. People of all faiths, or no specific belief, are thanks for visiting join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals supply their own knowing & Support

From Ca to Australian Continent, countless careful folks have become supporters in the Aetherius culture and discovered typical surface with religious those who express comparable viewpoints. Sometimes the entity in question has actually also fostered committed passionate connections.

Oscar informed you he found his spouse at an Aetherius culture event. She was a pal of 1 of this users and attended a procedure Power Prayer event because she was actually interested in learning the culture. Her genuine interest and great attitude caught Oscar’s interest. The guy told you the guy appreciates her power to comprehend their thinking and share his objectives.

Now they’re gladly hitched and invested in similar factor in promoting tranquility around the world. “She understands the necessity of offering mankind,” the guy mentioned. “Our connection has-been invaluable to my very own spiritual development. It has been a blessing in plenty steps.”

Through The Aetherius culture, countless kind-hearted people have discovered neighborhood and companionship. The business stops working barriers between folks and motivates hooking up on a higher religious jet.

“it is rather important at the moment inside our background to create people with each other and achieve beyond borders,” Oscar stated. “At the forefront of The Aetherius community’s lessons is the fact that our company is one people, and in addition we need to work more with each other.”

The Aetherius community offers Enlightenment Through Service

“Love is an all-permeating fuel, and is above brain,” Dr. George King as soon as mentioned in a sermon. “It is the great energy for the cosmos.”

Although George passed away in 1997, their vital information life in The Aetherius Society. The will to complete good, express really love, and unite humanity drives the organization onward, nowadays a fresh generation of religious folks have stepped up to guide the community during the 21st century.

Through typical sermons, pilgrimages, along with other holy undertakings, The Aetherius community provides furthered the religious journeys of countless people around the globe. Anybody can connect to people in this neighborhood and discover importance in lessons of love, comfort, and recognition.

“It’s a cosmic mission, but it’s ready to accept every person,” Oscar informed us. “our very own people, website visitors, and sympathizers show an aspire to provide that assist cure the planet through a better cosmic understanding of the world.”